Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Washington, DC

Washington, D.C.

Despite paying quite a bit for a RV park that was just 5 minutes from the College Park metro station, DC turned out to be a lot of fun. The first night, shaune and I stayed at a Walmart near the Anacostia River, which apparently, we learned later is the less desirable part of town. Worked out for us, because we had a ton of laundry to do, and these areas are better for that sort of thing. Anyway, the next day we checked into Cherry Hill Park campground, only the second private campground that we have stayed at. It had all the amenities, which was nice since we spent most of the weekend in the city and the dogs needed the aircon running in the DC humidity.

We had a great time wandering around, visited most of the memorials on the Mall, including the Korean memorial, which was by far our favorite. We also visited one wing of the National Gallery, where I was thrilled to see three more Vermeer paintings, including my favorite, Girl with a Red Hat. We also visited the Holocaust museum. This was particularly moving for me, I recently visited the Holocaust museums in Berlin and Jerusalem, and found the one in DC to be by far the most informative and compelling.

I was very happy to see all of the Obama T-shirts on sale throughout the city. His face was everywhere. Of course, the danger there is that the Republicans will manage to convince a short-sighted public that his popularity is somehow a bad thing, akin to celebrity status, as though that were a bad word. They have certainly already tried, we shall see if it works. There were quite a few groups protesting a potential war with Iran in front of the White House, but other than that, the Capital was pretty quiet.

We spent an extra day touring the city since we were waiting for a package for Shaune that was a bit delayed.

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