Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cape Cod

Aug. 13-15, 2008

A few days on Cape Cod and one can certainly understand why what seems like the entire East Coast floods there during the summer. As soon as you cross over the bridge traffic picks up, but the sea air has a way of relaxing you. We were very fortunate that our friends invited us to stay at their cottage with them, otherwise I can't imagine affording it.

The cottage is lovely: compact and cozy, just off a narrow dirt road. Like most other cottages here, the house is covered in wooden, grey shingles, single story. Located in Chatham, the area seemed to escape the hordes of tourists that you might see farther up.

From that little house, we all took walks along the beach, picked at the creatures on the shore, including washed up horseshoe crabs, lobster claws, seaweed. We took a drive along the shore where the views from above the cliffs to the deep blue sea below were spectacular. It was pretty hot outside during the day, but the shock of the freezing cold ocean gave away just how cold this area can be. According to Todd, who spent most of his summers here, winters on the Cape were pretty depressing.

It was here that Shaune and I had our first lobster! (We could call this trip firstcrustaceansacrossamerica as well) Jess and Todd told us how to "relax" the lobster before dropping it into roaring boiling water by stroking its tail upside down for a few minutes first. It seemed like the least I could do for the poor thing. Anyway, it is as delicious as they say, a true delicacy. We ate them with just a bit of melted butter and lemon, and I was hooked. You would have to take out a second job to afford the habit, but it was a great first experience.

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